New Sabatini Bonus

04 february 2022

Three-year extension for incentives for investments in tangible and intangible assets but with a progressive reduction in the amount of the tax credit


The 2022 Budget Law extends the tax credit for investments in new capital goods destined for production facilities in Italy (so-called Bonus investments in new capital goods ) to 30 June 2026, but a reduction in the measure of the benefit is established.


Who can benefit from it

The tax credit is recognized to all enterprises resident in the territory of the State, regardless of the legal form, the economic sector to which they belong, the size and the tax regime for determining the company's income, which make investments in new capital goods, starting from November 16, 2020. The benefit is due under the conditions and measures established in relation to the different types of assets that can be facilitated.



Term of validity

The 2022 Budget Law modifies the deadline for making subsidized investments, extending the benefit to those made by 30 June 2026; at the same time it establishes a different measure of the benefit in relation to the date of the investment. The types of eligible assets remain unchanged.


Incentive value and methods of use

The tax credit differs according to the assets being invested.

Tangible assets 4.0

For the purchase of material goods 4.0 - falling within the categories indicated in Annex A of Law 232/2016 and interconnected to the company system - it will be possible to take advantage of a tax credit for 2022 in the following measures:

  • 40% for investments up to 2.5 million euros,
  • 20% for investments over 2.5 million euros and up to 10 million euros,
  • 10% for investments over 10 million euros and up to 20 million euros.

For the following years ( from 2023 to 2025 ) the rates will drop respectively to 20%, 10% and 5% of the investment quota.

Intangible assets 4.0

For the purchase of software 4.0 (more precisely of intangible assets referred to in Annex B of Law 232/2016) the granting of a tax credit at 20% of the expenses with a ceiling of 1 million euros is confirmed (with the specification which is an annual ceiling). The rate will also remain at 20% for 2023, and then drop to 15% in 2024 and 10% in 2025.

The tax credit can be used in three equal annual installments

The tax credit measures for investments made in previous periods, already in force before the changes introduced by the 2022 Budget Law, remain unchanged.

Bonuses not extended

The budget law did not extend:

the tax credit for investments in new ordinary capital goods , i.e. other than those indicated in Annexes A and B of Law 232/2016: for example, furniture, furnishings, machinery and software not 4.0. Therefore, this 6% bonus will apply to investments made no later than 31 December 2022 or until 30 June 2023 , provided that as of 31 December 2022 the order is accepted by the seller and deposits of at least 20% have been paid. of the acquisition cost

the tax credit for the training of employees aimed at acquiring or consolidating the relevant skills for the technological and digital transformation envisaged by the National Business Plan 4.0, which in any case remains valid only for expenses incurred during 2022.


Sabatini refinanced until 2027


New funds arrive to feed the Sabatini law but the division of the contribution into several annual installments is reintroduced.

The resources are integrated by 240 million for each of the years 2022 and 2023, 120 million for each of the years 2024 to 2026 and 60 million for 2027.

Only in the case of funding for an amount not exceeding 200 thousand euros, the contribution " can " be paid in a single solution, that is, only within the limits of available resources.

The facilitation

Sabatini offers a triple benefit:

  1. a loan disbursed before the investment is made,
  2. the free guarantee by Mediocredito centrale for companies that have not saturated the ceiling of five million, and
  3. a non-repayable grant.

The latter is provided directly by the Ministry of Economic Development (Mise).

The maximum amount of the facility is equal to the value of the interest calculated on a five-year loan for an amount equal to the investment made.

The interest rate of the loan for ordinary investments is considered equal to 2.75%, following the 2017 Budget Law the interest rate increases to 3.575% for investments in capital goods connected to industry 4.0.

Attached is the calculation file made available by MISE on its website for an analysis of convenience.



Dr. Stefano Guidi

Chartered Accountant Statutory Auditor




For any other information, please contact Rogai & Partners stp Srl

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