
Since 1984 we are in Florence in the industrial area near the airport. Thanks to the good feedback released from uor customers we increased our range of business untill to open another firm in the heart of Florence in via del corso.

We help companies from every point of view. Infact  we give advices about Tax and Labour issues and Contractual advising. We accompany in Extraordinary operations that could be necessary for your company. Furthermore we help companies in their fase of internationalization thanks also to the partnership that we are creating with other firms abroad.





Firm news



Taxation of performance bonuses in the 2023 Budget

Taxation of performance bonuses in the 2023 Budget

Taxation of performance bonuses in the 2023 Budget law     Tax-free productivity bonuses: for employees in 2023 the rate drops to 5%.   Law 197/2022 has been published in the Official



Controlled Realisation, a useful tool for corporat

Controlled Realisation, a useful tool for corporat

When an entrepreneur, in the case of Merger & Acquisition or generational handover operations, approaches corporate reorganization, the first question that arises is the tax burden he will have to



Patent Box Update

Patent Box Update

Patent Box Update The Tax Agency, with provision 4823/2022 published on 15.02.2022, provided for the implementing provisions, the content of the documentation and methods of exercising the new patent




PMI: questionari per la semplificazione delle regole contabili

Con un comunicato stampa l’OIC evidenzia



Legge di Bilancio 2025. Per lavoro e pensioni continuità con il passato?

Il disegno di legge di Bilancio 2025 inizia